Review & Photos By: Chapin Patel
So What Music Festival has always been a treat for the alternative music scene in Texas. While the fest usually takes place in Dallas in a baseball field, I would say that Houston’s own White Oak Music Hall was tHe perfect venue to host this festival. There was plenty on lawn seating, food and refreshments. I feel like you were in charge of what kind of day you wanted to have. If you wanted to spend your day moshing till you were completely sapped of energy you could or if you wanted to take the scenic route and just relax on the grass and watch the bands you could do that.
I have a large amount of respect for founder, Mike Ziemer for always accommodating for his patron/fans. He knows how to make every year beat the last. The headliners are always ones to stay for and the openers get you to show up early to the festival and you’re more than pleasantly surprised and even glad you showed up early.
Day 1 of So What Music Festival really captures the essence of So What Music Festival and what it started out as. Lots of underrated talent that deserves your attention, Headliners that are a delight and great sunny weather.
Beartooth have played So What Music Festival in the past and they put on a hell of a show. Demanding circle pits, not playing a single note till “I see a circle pit” , people separating on two sides and charging at each other. Pure chaos. Tonight was special because they are now headlining Day 1 of this festival. Vocalist, Caleb Shomo always brings the heat. The throat shredding screams then jumping into soaring melodies constantly teetering on chaotic and in balance.
Australian Kings , Parkway Drive hit the fog covered stage with mystery. Opening their set with a brooding track “Wishing Wells” opening with a soft spoken intro until “Nothing's gonna stop me till I'm done” hits and the track flips your expectations upside down and you are attacked with an onslaught of crushing guitar and double base patterns. I wouldn’t have expected anything less from such a seasoned band from Australia. I can’t stress to you enough that you need to see Parkway Drive at least once in your lifetime.
Varials is a band that stood out the most to me in terms of bringing that aggressive sound. Travis (Vocals) constantly demanding you to “wake up!” really got the crowd going. I’d say an overall immersive performance with such tenacity.
On Day 2 we had UnityTX destroy main stage with their “ROC MUSIC”. Emitting a vibe that you couldn’t help but love even if you’ve never heard of this band. This group is a staple for the Dallas scene. With the intense drop tuned guitar riffs, pummeling bass lines and politically charged lyrics made for an amazing performance that left you feeling as if justice was served.
Vein: This band needs no introduction. Errorzone their first full length released through Cold Casket Activities reaches critical acclaim for critics and fans. Their music makes you feel like you’re trapped in a computer and constantly feeling like life is “glitching out” with all of the chaos that ensues in the crowd. Vocalist, Anthony screams in the song Rebirth Protocol,“This is all that you were programmed to be afraid of” I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed in most senses from their earth shattering performance.
Thank you So What Music Festival for a fantastic weekend. Your hardworking crew made everything go by so smoothly and I hope other festivals take motes from you all. Well done and we will see you again soon.